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Troubleshooting the TS/JS SDK

The API rejects my credentials

Your credentials (username and password) should be valid to access the application. If you're using a trial account or developer account to test or develop with the API - that's OK but we recommend that after your code is ready you create a dedicated API user and potentially a dedicated group for that user (if your license allows).

Ensure that the group you are using for your templates and document does not have 2FA enabled for the API user.

My send() requests fail

There are many reasons why a send request might fail or just not arrive with the recipient. Here are some of the most common for you to check. If you still have problems then please email with details of your request.

  • Check the Console dashboard to see if a document was generated but errored.
  • No send credit left on the account. This will stop the request before even generating a file.
  • Recipient details are invalid.
  • The template is in an invalid state to send (you can verify this by loading the template in Console).