Signing documents
📄️ Get signing documents
List (unarchived) signing documents. Use /status/ if you need high-level information.
📄️ Create signing document
Create signing document
📄️ Preview text document signing page
Returns a redirect response (302) with link in the Location header to a one-use temporary URL you can redirect to, to see a preview of the signing page. Follow the redirect immediately since it expires after a few seconds.
📄️ Get document
Get document
📄️ Void/archive signing document
Delete does not remove permanently but sets it with status 40 (removed) and archives it.
📄️ Get document fields
Get document fields
📄️ Permanently delete signing document
Permanently deletes data and files. You must enable group automated deletion. We recommend archiveDocument.
📄️ text/html document as pdf preview
text/html document as pdf preview
📄️ Location to download PDF
Get the PDF for a signing document
📄️ Get signing documents status
Shortened faster query for status of signing documents
📄️ Get signing document status
Faster short query for a document status