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Create signing document

Create signing document

Request Body required

Send a document to be signed

  • group uri required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^/api/v1/group/[-\w]{1,50}/$

  • name string required

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 60 characters

  • text string

    Raw html. This API call must contain either one of the attributes text, templatepdf, template.

  • templatepdf uri

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^/api/v1/templatepdf/[-\w]{1,60}/$

    Resource URI of templatepdf object. This API call must contain either one of the attributes text, templatepdf, template.

  • template uri

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^/api/v1/template/[-\w]{1,60}/$

    Resource URI of text template object. This call must contain either one of the attributes text, templatepdf, template.

  • signers object[] required
  • email email required

    Possible values: <= 75 characters

  • firstname string required

    Possible values: <= 60 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-\w' ]{1,60}

  • lastname string required

    Possible values: <= 60 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-\w' ]{1,60}

  • attachments string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^/api/v1/attachment/[-\w]{1,60}/$

    List of attachment resource URIs

  • decide_later boolean

    Add this you want the previous signer or approver to decide who the next person should be. Commonly used for witnesses (see "role"). If you use this leave all other attributes blank. First signer cannot use this attribute.

  • expires date-time

    ISO8601 formed datetime, set to TZ of sender or timezone if used

  • message string

    Your personal message for the party, entered in the centre of the group email template. Use the name of a saved email template preceeded by a hash symbol to use that template. If there is more than one template of the same name it will select the one last modified.

  • reviewers object[]
  • firstname string

    Possible values: <= 60 characters

  • lastname string

    Possible values: <= 60 characters

  • email email required
  • include_link boolean

    Default value: false

    include a link to the signing pages enabling a reviewer to signer

  • sms string

    Use international format number to add SMS verification. Required if a witness or a witnessed signer.

  • subject string

    Possible values: <= 150 characters

    Subject line for outbound email

  • timezone string

    TZ of the signer, must be valid TZ as per timezoneenum (see User for timezoneenum details). If blank uses tz of the sender.

  • signature_type integer

    Default value: 1

    Use 4 to get your executed PDF Certified. Recommended. Defaults to 1 (uses a sha256 hash for document integrity).

  • append_pdf boolean

    Default value: false

    Append Legalesign validation info to final PDF. If not included uses the group default.

  • auto_archive boolean

    Default value: true

    Send to archive soon after signing. Keeps web app clutter free

  • do_email boolean

    Default value: false

    Use Legalesign email to send notification emails. If false suppresses all emails.

  • cc_emails string

    Comma delimited string of email addresses that are notified of signing or rejection.

  • convert_sender_to_signer boolean

    If any sender fields are left blank, convert them to signer fields.

  • footer string

    Text doc only. The footer for the final pdf. Use keyword "default" to use group default footer.

  • footer_height int64

    Text based doc only. Pixel height of PDF footer, if used. 1px = 0.025cm

  • header string

    Text based doc only. The header for the final pdf. Use keyword "default" to use group header footer.

  • header_height int64

    Text based doc only. Pixel height of final PDF footer, if used. 1px = 0.025cm

  • pdf_password string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[-\w ]{0,150}$

    Set a password. Must be ascii encode-able, you must also set signature_type to 4 and choose a pdf_password_type.

  • pdf_password_type integer

    Possible values: [1, 2]

    1 to store password, 2 for to delete from our records upon final signing.

  • pdftext object

    Assign values to PDF sender fields, use field labels as keys. Requires unique fields labels. See also strict_fields.

  • property name* string
  • redirect string

    Possible values: <= 250 characters, Value must match regular expression ^https://

    URL to send the signer to after signing (instead of download page). Your URL will include query parameters with ID and state information as follows: YOUR-URL?signer=[signer_uid]&doc=[doc_id]&group=[group_id]&signer_state=[signer_status]&doc_state=[doc_status]

  • reminders string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(default|)$

    Put 'default' if you wish to use the default reminder schedule in the group (go to web app to set default schedule)

  • return_signer_links boolean

    Return document links for signers in the response BODY.

  • signers_in_order boolean

    Notify signers in their order sequence. If false all are notified simulataneously.

  • signertext object

    Add custom placeholders to signer fields, using labels as keys in an object (as for pdftext). Relies on unique labelling.

  • property name* string
  • strict_fields boolean

    pdftext fails silently for invalid field value, set to true to return an error

  • tag string

    Possible values: <= 250 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-\w\[\]\:\;\/\.\, _]{0,250}$

  • tag1 string

    Possible values: <= 250 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-\w\[\]\:\;\/\.\, _]{0,250}$

  • tag2 string

    Possible values: <= 250 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[-\w\[\]\:\;\/\.\, _]{0,250}$

  • user uri

    Assign document another user in the group. Defaults to API


Success. Document URI will be in Location header. If return_signer_links was set to true, the body will contain a JSON dict containing the signing links.

Response Headers
  • Location string

    new document resource uri

  • signer_1 string