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Integrating for end-customers

This article is to answer questions about using Legalesign eSignature within another commercial software.

Legalesign will accommodate all the requirements to achieve a seamless end-customer eSignature experience.

Legalesign's core goal is to be a great choice as an integration partner: with the right API architecture and features, strong one-to-one support, ongoing account management, with long term stability on API and pricing, and v.high uptime reliability. See service status history.


Legalesign is built around 'teams' - those are your siloes for individual end-customers (or companies).

Create a group for each end-customer/company and add their people as 'members'. This does the job of ensuring your customer data is separated.

As a creator of a group, you don't need to give yourself access to it. Use the API to create user accounts for your individual customers and give them membership of the group, then send a document on their behalf via the API.

When you do this, a key benefit you can offer end-customers is free access to the web app - your customers immediately get a complete esignature system beyond your integration (or for any extra niche functionality you haven't gotten around to integrating yet). As far as your customers are concerned they log into Legalesign within their own private area, if you give them the details to do that. There is also a user permission that even creates an entirely private experience for individual users.

Your 'organisation' sits above the teams and controls a few cross-team features. You'll need to operate this section - such as setting specific retention-times if a customer wants a short retention period.


The two most common API pricing models are:

i) Your customers sign up with Legalesign, pay Legalesign directly, and pass you their API key.

ii) You use the teams structure above, buy doc credit, and your customers get instant functionality through your app.

We recommend ii) - you avail yourself of larger bulk buy discounts as your customer usage increases, and offer a generally more cost-effective solution, while your end-customers get the perfect seamless usage experience (which also ensures they do onboard, further enhanching your bulk buy discount).

But if you want to get started with a quick pilot then i) may be more suitable. If so, please get in touch with us so we provide appropriate some discounts for your customers since you are sending them straight to us.

Overall, the fuller integration is bound to be the best value since you eliminate for your customers the per-account fee.

Read more about pricing.

More questions

If you have any more questions, or there are custom aspects to your pricing model or integration requirements that don't sit well with the model above, then get in touch. There's rarely a one-size fits all when it comes to an integration.

We also offer and various re-seller or commission-based systems for various API integration scenarios, for example.
