MS Power Automate (custom connector) + Legalesign
This article shows you how to set up a custom connector to the Legalesign API. You don't necessarily need a custom connector for power automate - check out this video on how to auto-save signed pdfs to Sharepoint.
Get a Legalesign trial account at
Email and request an API key, giving your use-case, background in API development and information so we can verify you and your company.
Download both the postman-collection.json file & icon (legalesign-icon.png) from the Legalesign OpenAPI repo:
Go to Power automate > Data > Custom connectors. Click on 'New customer connector' and 'Import from Postman collection'.
Complete the Power automate set up screens as follows:
Upload the icon you already downloaded in step 3. For 'icon background color' use the hex code #ffffff. Set host as
and Base URL as /api/v1/
Select 'API key' and the values as shown in the next image.
You'll be asked to set up the connector when you enter the 'Test' section. The value you enter should start 'ApiKey xxxxx...'. This is presented to you on your settings page on Legalesign. Paste it in exactly the same. Get Api Key on Legalesign
Select a simpler query endpoint to test your connection, for example getGroups (n.b. NOT 'getGroup'). You must enter a value for offset and limit.
That test should return a 200 status and your groups listed. Success! :partying_face:
If you have any questions about Legalesign eSignature and Power Automate get in touch with us at
Next see this video on how to use Microsoft Power Automate webhooks to trigger automation flows: how to auto-save signed pdfs to Sharepoint.